Posted by : Unknown Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hi everyone! My name is Esther. I am a recent graduate with a bachelor in computer science because programming is my passion and so is learning. Every day I spend time reading about new technologies and learning about advances in this field. I love learning about everything! What can I say? I am a technology lover. One thing that especially has caught my eye is Android development. So, what is Android?

Android is a Linux-based operating system currently being developed by Google. It is open source software which allows developers to write applications and deploy them to the app store called Google Play. The Google Play store grows every day and with billions of downloads up to date the applications are limitless. On May 2013, it was announced there are 900 million Android activations and 48 billion apps have been installed from the Google Play store. 

How amazing is that! I am very interested in learning about Android and I created this blog to share what I am learning and also to use it as a reference. I’m a beginner, so feel free to guide me by leaving comments or by asking any doubts you have. I will do my best to help. I’m excited to get started!

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Excellent post on iOS mobile apps development!!! The future of mobile application development is on positive note. You can make most it by having in-depth knowledge on mobile application development platform and other stunning features.




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