Posted by : Unknown Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello everyone! For this post, I am going to try out different layouts. I don’t have any user interface in mind, but I want to see how the different layouts work with texts, buttons, or labels. To start, I am going to create a new Android application project in Eclipse. Select File from the main menu and select New -> Other. A new window will pop-up to select a wizard. Select Android Application Project under the Android folder and click Next. In the New Android Application window, I filled it out with the following fields and clicked Next:
  •          Application Name: LayoutDemo
  •          Project Name: LayoutDemo
  •          Package Name:
  •          Minimum Required SDK: API 8: Android 2.2 (Froyo)
  •          Target SDK: API 17: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
  •          Compile With: API 18: Android 4.3
  •          Theme: Holo Light with Dark Action Bar

New Android Application

In the following window, select the checkboxes to create a custom launcher icon, to create an activity, and to create project in workspace. Configure the launcher icon any way you like. For my launcher icon, I chose the following and clicked Next:
  •          Foreground: Clipart – Black star
  •          Selected Trim Surrounding Blank Space checkbox
  •          Additional Padding: 27%
  •          Foreground Scaling: Center
  •          Shape: Circle
  •          Background Color: Blue
  •          Foreground Color: Pink

Configure Launcher Icon

In the next window, select the checkbox to create an activity and select Blank Activity. Click Next. In the Blank Activity window, I left the default values which are:
  •          Activity Name: MainActivity
  •          Layout Name: activity_main
  •          Navigation Type: None

Click Finish and wait for Eclipse to create the project. After Eclipse is done, you can see the project LayoutDemo in the Project Explorer and the file activity_main.xml opened in the Graphical Layout. 

LayoutDemo Application

As you can see, the application is displaying the string “Hello world!” and the file activity_main.xml looks like this:

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".MainActivity" >

        android:text="@string/hello_world" />


The Java class RelativeLayout is one of the subclasses of the class ViewGroup found in the package android.view. The package provides classes for the user interface which includes screen layouts and ways for the user to interact with them. The user interface that you design can have more than one layout nested within another layout. 

The Relative Layout lets you choose where the objects will be located relative to each other. For example, there could be an object right of another object or there could an object at the top. The XML attributes used for this layout can be found here: XML Attributes

To test a few of this attributes, I am going to add to our current activity_main.xml file. First, I add two new string resources. I do this by going to the file strings.xml under the res -> values folder. I added a string resource called first_name, which holds my first name as value, and a string resource called last_name, which holds my last name as value. 


First I will try this configuration,

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".MainActivity" >

        android:id = "@+id/hello"
        android:text="@string/hello_world" />
        android:id = "@+id/first_name"
        android:layout_below = "@id/hello"
        android:text = "@string/first_name" />
        android:id = "@+id/last_name"
        android:layout_below = "@id/first_name"
        android:text = "@string/last_name" />


The result is:

Graphical Layout - activity_main.xml

As you can see, I am using resources of type id on each TextView to identify which object is relative to another. The string resource hello_world has id name hello, the string resource first_name has id name first_name, and the string resource last_name has id name last_name.

The line android:layout_below = "@id/hello” on the second TextView makes the string first_name display below the string hello_world. 

The line android:layout_below = "@id/first_name" on the third TextView makes the string last_name display below the string first_name.

Now, I will modify the third TextView:

        android:id = "@+id/last_name"
        android:layout_below = "@id/hello"
        android:paddingLeft = "9dp"
        android:layout_toRightOf = "@id/first_name"
        android:text = "@string/last_name" />

The result is:

Graphical Layout - activity_main.xml

As you can see, I used the XML attribute android:layout_toRightOf to specify that the string resource last_name goes to the right of the string resource first_name. Also, I used the XML attribute android:paddingLeft to specify a padding in pixels to the left edge of the last_name resource. 

If I put this line on the third TextView:
 android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" will result in:

Graphical Layout - activity_main.xml

When this XML attribute is set to true, it will align the bottom margin. As you can see, now the string resource last_name is aligned to the bottom instead of to the right which would be:
android:layout_alignParentRight="true". This will result in:

Graphical Layout - activity_main.xml

There are more XML attributes which you can try. A list of attributes can be found in the link mentioned before. On my next posts, I will try the other layouts like LinearLayout, GridView, and ListView. Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave comments or follow me on Google+.

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